Crafting A “What’s New” Post on Google My Business
You’ve claimed your Google My Business profile and fully optimized it – now you’ve got to post! In this series of articles, we’ll show you how you create unique content for each type of post. Log into your Google My Business profile and let’s get posting!
Online Marketing in Ann Arbor, Michigan - Using Google My Business What’s New Posts

The “What’s New” post is basically like a news tab. It’s a way for people seeing your profile in search results to know the latest and greatest happenings for your business. Launching a new product? Uploaded a new video to your YouTube Channel? Celebrating a company anniversary? All of these are great stories for you to put out there and share with people!
Steps for crafting a Google My Business What’s New post:
First: Image or Video.
Do Not Use Stock Images! They look cheap and inauthentic and they’re not your business. People searching for your goods and services want to see who you are and what your business has to offer. Even more exciting: use a 10 - 30-second Video!
Second: Writing your post.
Google gives you 1,500 characters to fill, which is a lot of real estate. So give every detail you want to share including important URL’s that become clickable when the post goes live.
Third: Add A Button.
While this is technically optional, treat it as essential because it gives people a direct way to engage with your post. You’re given six different button types:
Book – Lets people go directly to your appointment setter and schedule an appointment.
Order Online – If you’re promoting a product or service, people can buy on the spot!
Buy – Similar to Order Online you can send people to a direct link and they can purchase.
Learn More – If you’ve got a blog, article, or video, you can add the link for people to use.
Sign Up – This is a great way for people to subscribe to your newsletter or email list.
Call Now – With a simple button, people can now call your business directly!
Remember to keep posting! After 7 days your Google My Business Profile will automatically reset to its default presentation, so post often! Posts don’t disappear completely, they go into your post archive which is still accessible but not as easy for people to find if you’re not posting regularly. Posting once a week is fine, but not great. We’re seeing a lot more user engagement with direct calls and sign-ups through GMB for our clients by posting 2-3 times a week.
Need help posting on Google My Business? At SEO Ann Arbor we offer full local online marketing for Ann Arbor, MI area businesses. From SEO to Social Media, we’ll help your business thrive online! Contact Us or give us a call at 734-619-0736.