The Best SEO Techniques Combine Keywords and Content

The best SEO techniques have always included using popular keywords that Google can locate. In the early days of SEO, that led to shady practices like “keyword stuffing,” where keywords were liberally scattered in the text and code anywhere Google might find them. Those results may have initially led visitors to a site, but the lack of substance didn’t fool anyone for long — not clients, not Google.
Keywords are still king – in the right context
Google addresses iffy practices like keyword stuffing by regularly upgrading their search algorithm, ensuring that search results are authentic and accurate. As the algorithm becomes more sophisticated, shady SEO techniques have mostly fallen by the wayside. But that doesn’t mean keywords aren’t important! Google still looks for keywords but favors authentic context and webpages with real, helpful content. Nobody’s fooled by flashy moving parts and long lists of keywords anymore, thank goodness!
For consumers, this means you have a better chance of finding quality information that answers your questions, solves your problems, or points you to someone who can do it for you. For small businesses, that means your web presence needs to demonstrate to consumers that your business is the one who can help them.
So how do high performing sites boost their SEO results and reach their dream clients? With the best SEO techniques AND quality content.
Quality content that uses keywords strategically is the secret recipe to making a website that attracts clients.
What makes quality content?
It’s not enough to pepper your page with keywords, run spellcheck, and call it a day. Keywords are necessary to steer potential clients to your website – but once a prospect finds your website, they need a reason to stay. If your site gives them quality content, they are more likely to keep reading, sign up for your email list, or click that Contact Us or Buy Now button.
So, what makes quality content? Here are a few principles we focus on at MSG:
- Helpful topics – Don’t just write about your company. Write about questions and problems your typical client has. Give them answers and solutions; tell them how you can help.
- Audience-specific language – Keep your intended audience in mind and tailor your message to them. Do they understand your field of expertise or are they novices? Don’t use technical terms or industry jargon unless you’re sure your clients will understand them.
- Good writing – Clear, concise, correct sentences are easiest to read. Punctuation and grammar mistakes can give an impression of carelessness.
- Readable – Sentences should be short yet vary in length enough to sound natural. When sentences are all of similar length, the content can seem choppy or monotone. Sentences that ramble on can lose readers.
At MSG, knowing our clients is key to quality content
At MSG, we don’t do canned content because we don’t have canned clients. Your business is unique, and we never want you to settle for empty content or questionable SEO techniques.
We get to know our clients so we can focus on writing about what means the most to you and your future customers. We like to think our best SEO techniques help customers find you, and our quality content tells them why they should stay with you.
We've specialized in website design and best SEO techniques in Michigan since 2001. We provide our clients with fast, reliable, and personalized websites with quality content that helps build customer relationships.
Contact us for a free initial website evaluation!