Once you have your list of keywords, go to your website and make sure you have at least one page dedicated to each one.
“But,” you say, “I already have a page on my site that lists all my products and services!”
You can certainly have a page that lists all your products and services (and you probably should), but you also need a page for each topic.
One … topic … per … page! We mean it!
“But,” you retort, “I have dozens of products and services, and now you want me to create a page for each one? That’s crazy talk!”
Okay, first go back and read the previous section and pay particular attention to the section on focus and narrowing your list down to no more than a dozen topics. Second, YES, absolutely you need one topic per page, and a page for each topic. This makes visitors to your site happy, and it also makes Google happy. And let’s face it, if you can’t be bothered to write up a dedicated page on your website for each product or service that you’re actively trying to promote, then maybe this SEO and website stuff isn’t for you!
If that’s the case, then you may want to hire someone to help.
It’s all about adding value and helping people. The more you provide people, the more success you’ll have. Don’t try to sell people – try to help them. Tell them what problem of theirs your particular product or service will solve. Tell them how it will improve their lives. Give them information on how to install or use it, or tell them how they might go about doing it on their own. Trust us, there are still plenty of people out there who won’t want to take the time to do it themselves, and those folks will call YOU for help. Some will try to do it themselves and find they are in over their heads … and THEY will call you. Some will do it themselves and succeed, so maybe they won’t call you, but if you helped them out, they might refer you to someone who will. In the end, there’s no harm in building good Karma, and we’ve found again and again that the more abundant we are, the more success we have.