Social Media Management Tips for Optimizing Your YouTube Channel
Social media is one of the fastest growing sectors in online marketing. With billions of users, advertisers are pouring huge efforts into Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest – and YouTube! With over 80% of all internet traffic soon to be video – now’s the time to jump into video promotions for your business.
Use YouTube Videos to Improve Search Engine Results!
At Michigan SEO Group we help businesses thrive online. Social Media Management is one very important piece of the search engine optimization puzzle. YouTube has become a major player. YouTube videos frequently appear in search results along with images and maps, making proper optimization essential. There are a lot of techniques for optimizing your YouTube channel and videos, but here are the three most important tips:
Optimizing your YouTube Channel – 3 Social Media Management Tips
1. Fill Out The Channel Description

Click “Customize Channel” and then click “About” to write a keyword-rich description of your business and your services. This is basically free SEO space with a lot of room to fill. You don’t need to spam the keywords, but pick your top 3 or 5 keywords and find creative ways to mention them.

2. Add Website and Social Media Links
Also found towards the bottom of the “About” section, make sure to add custom links in the "Edit Links" section. Your Business Website and then social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, or Blogger are essential. You can have the icons for these links overlay the channel art, making it easier for YouTube viewers to find your business website and social pages!
If you named and entered in those links correctly - your YouTube Channel banner should look something like this:

3. Create Keyword-rich Video Titles & Descriptions

This is another free SEO area that you absolutely need to take advantage of. Click "Edit Video" to begin.
For your Video Titles find a relatable keyword and include your business name after a bar or “pipe” character. It should read something like this: “Keyword Rich Title | Your Business Name.” This will give your video name a clean look and make it easier for your viewers to associate it with your business.

After that, write an informative keyword-rich description of the video and your business with website link, social links, and include three keyword relevant hashtags. You get up to 5,000 characters so use what you can! If there’s dialogue in the video - include the transcript, it'll all help with the SEO of each video.

When you're done editing your video title and descriptions, the video should look something like this on your channel:

As you can see there are now clickable hashtags above the video title and in the video description, there is a clickable link directly to the website! All of this effort helps your video appear directly in YouTube and Google search results.
This way, when the video appears in Google search results it should look something like this:

You can clearly see the name of the video, the business name, as well as a snippet from the video description! Do all of that for your videos and you'll make it a lot easier for potential new customers or clients to find you!
Social Media Management Ann Arbor, Michigan - Michigan SEO Group
At Michigan SEO Group we help businesses like yours thrive by providing highly effective online marketing. From search engine optimization to website design to social media management – we utilize the best SEO techniques to ensure that your business ranks in Google search results. Click Here to get your free website evaluation or give us a call at 734-619-0736.
Michigan SEO Group
Local Website Design and Social Media Management in Ann Arbor, MI