How to Write "People-First" Content

Does your web content feel stale?
Do you want your site to rank higher on Google?
Recently, Google announced an algorithm update that changes the way it evaluates content on a website. Previously, there was no algorithm-specific penalty for content that was written “primarily for search engine traffic”. Now, this unhelpful content can negatively affect your search rank on Google, while content considered “people-first” will get prioritized. This means your website content should be written with an actual reader in mind instead of trying to over-optimize it. Follow these tips below to make sure your content is “people-first”:
Stay on Topic
Once you’ve settled on a topic for your content, stick to it! Your website as a whole, as well as your individual pages, should be based on the same general topic. Demonstrating expertise in one main area is what customers, as well as Google, want to see. Trying to sneak in other topics as a way to stuff keywords or trend-hunt on your site can be seen as a red flag.
Have an Audience in Mind
Knowing who you’re writing for can take you a long way. Tailoring your content specifically to your target audience will make it easier to build a connection through a screen.
Answer Questions Effectively
Google values content that helps those visiting your site. Fluffy, meaningless content won’t impress any customers, and this is finally going to be reflected in your search ranks. Questions should be answered thoroughly, but your content should still be straight to the point. Try to leave your reader satisfied so they won’t go to another site to find the answer they’re looking for!
Does your Business Need Online Marketing in Ann Arbor, Michigan?
At Michigan SEO Group, we pride ourselves on customer-focused content, posted consistently, and optimized over time. Our clients see great results, and they will continue to rank highly on Google after this new algorithm update. If you don’t have the time to do this yourself, we can help! To get started with online marketing in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Contact Us or give us a call at 817-815-6974 for a free website evaluation!