How to Improve Your Page Speed

Have you ever ditched a website or online purchase because the page took forever to load?
The likelihood of you returning to that site is probably slim to none right? That’s the harsh reality of slow websites.
Slow page speeds are a death sentence to user engagement and conversions. HubSpot reports that even a tiny one-second delay in page load time causes a 7% decrease in conversions.
That’s why optimizing your website’s speed isn’t just a good idea – it’s a must for keeping visitors around, climbing search engine ranks, and achieving online success.
Here are some effective strategies to boost your website’s speed and enhance user experience:
Optimize Images
Photos and moving graphics are eye-catching and improve user engagement!
Unfortunately, there’s a catch: their large file sizes tend to slow page speeds down. An effective work around for this is to resize or compress your images, which reduces their file sizes without compromising image quality.
There are tons of sites out there to help you with compressing images - some popular ones are Adobe Photoshop and JPEGmini.
Browser Caching
When browser caching is enabled, your website visitor’s browser will save some of your website’s files on their device. These files include things like images, fonts, and stylesheets. They’re saved in a temporary storage called the cache.
This process improves website speed because your visitor’s devices won’t need to fetch everything from scratch each time they visit a page on your website.
Get a Better Website Host
Upgrade to a professional web host and watch your page speed skyrocket!
Reputable web hosts have high-performance servers optimized for speed and reliability. As your website grows, good web hosts will assist you in creating scalable hosting plans to help you accommodate increased traffic, without compromising speed and performance.
Our sister company, Network Services Group, LLC offers business class services for web hosting and is a great resource to turn to when seeking advice for website speed, programming, and other network support services.
Monitor and Test
We recommend using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to regularly monitor your websites speed and performance.
Google Analytics and Search Console can provide you with a speed report of your page load times for each of your URLs across different browsers.
Regularly testing your page speed is a proactive way to ensure that your site is properly optimized, so you can increase your number of conversions and overall user satisfaction.
Good SEO Indirectly Boosts Page Speeds
While good SEO practices don’t directly increase web speeds, they can indirectly improve page speeds in several ways.
SEO emphasizes high-quality, optimized content which tends to be more concise, organized, and structured. This often reduces page size, and indirectly improve loading times. Google loves websites with fast page speeds, so when you nail SEO, you’re also paving the way for faster loading times and more satisfied users!
Improve Your Page Speed with an Online Marketing Company in Ann Arbor, Michigan!
Combining these strategies can significantly improve your website’s page speed, delight users, and boost key metrics like conversion rates and search engine rankings.
And hey, if you’re looking for an online marketing company in Ann Arbor, Michigan to rev up your page speed, contact us today to get started!