Michigan SEO Group

Rock Your Online Presence!

Katie Kazda, Internet Marketing Manager  at Michigan SEO Group.

Katie Kazda

Internet Marketing Manager

For 10 years Katie has been a dedicated part of our team. From managing our marketing team to making a difference for clients, Katie is a huge asset to the team at MSG.

If you're looking for someone who loves to be a part of a team and who's terrific at balancing all the tasks you need for a healthy online presence, Katie's the one! 

In her spare time, Katie enjoys boxing at Title Boxing. A healthy body and mind helps contribute to Katie’s success as an Internet Marketing Manager. 

“Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.” - Title In the constant changing atmosphere of SEO, Katie stays at the forefront of what’s going on in the industry.

Call us today to find out how to start growing your business leads!

View some of Katie’s written work here:

HVAC Buyer’s Guide 

Should You Move Your Elderly Parent Into Your Home?

Why People Choose Weber’s